Posts about Clojure
- WREPL now uses Clojure CLI
- ES6 object property shorthand with Clojure
- Advent of code 2020
- REST-REPL fully integrated into WREPL
- Run Shadow-Cljs via Docker for local development
- Figwheel with Vim-Fireplace 2.0
- Clojure library for stateful HTTP client handling
- Turning paging into a lazy sequence with Clojure tranducers
- How to start a Clojure REPL since the Specs Alpha change
- Vim-Fireplace now supports code formatting via Cider/clj-fmt
- Better handling of namespaced keywords in maps with Clojure 1.9
- Can't leave out variadic args in Java interop with Clojure
- Split a sequence by function in Clojure
- Clojure REST-REPL
- Use Vim-Fireplace with Figwheel greater 0.4
- Make the Figwheel REPL work in vim-fireplace
- Change what vim considers a keyword in fireplace for clojure