Compile the scss for the WAR for Vaadin with grails
While running with run-app
and in developer mode, Vaadin will compile the
on the fly for you. But once you want to roll your WAR file
for deployment, you have to do this on your own (in plain Java, the Maven file
from Vaadin will take care I guess)
Create or add scripts/_Events.groovy
and change the theme
var there
import com.vaadin.sass.internal.ScssStylesheet eventCreateWarStart = { name, stagingDir -> def theme = "<themename>" def root = "${stagingDir}/VAADIN/themes/${theme}" ScssStylesheet scss = ScssStylesheet.get("${root}/styles.scss"); scss.compile() def outFile = new File("$root/styles.css") outFile.write(scss.toString()) }
Bonus points: make the script find all themes; delete the *.scss
from the war.