Open Source Consultant, Software Developer and System Administrator

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Blog and snippets

Various snippets or code parts I found useful, so I keep them here for reference.

WREPL now uses Clojure CLI

WREPL no longer is a standalone program, but since version 0.2 now is integrated into the Clojure CLI. This makes it easier to use on a regular Clojurist machine. See the example-Folder on how to migrate.

Back when WREPL started there were no official way to quickly spin up a Clojure REPL any more. Spec was released, but was not part of the core. So before that you could just run a Clojure REPL with the JAR file in your ~/.m2/repository/org/clojure/ directory. But with the additional dependencies into the Spec libraries, this was no longer so easy.

So WREPL was again a single JAR to run your (standalone) REPL and also allowed configuration of all the "letters" of REPL and some additional stuff (e.g. loading dependencies, run some file on startup, ...). Nowadays, the Clojure CLI is installed on basically every Clojure developer machine and brings back the entry point to quickly spin up a REPL. It brings the facilities to run your own code and pull the dependencies for it.

Yet the part to configure a REPL to your liking is still a usable feature. Integrating "REPL-ish" tools with each other is not convenient. So WREPL remains useful still to e.g. use a different prompt to denote some other state than the current namespace or configure a pretty-printer to your liking in your rebel-readline REPL.

Proxy ports into a running Docker(-Compose) container

Publishing ports in Docker is done only once at the beginning on the creation of the container. Yet sometimes there is the need to talk to the service inside a container, but the container itself does not have the proper tools to do what you want with it built-in. Yet re-creating the container just to publish the ports, maybe manifesting it temporarily in some docker-compose.yml, and then forgetting about it to open up some security problem is not great.

So the following script allows to temporally proxy to a port of a running container, whether for manually ran containers or the ones in a network from Docker-Compose. It tries to find the network and attaches to it, unless it's bridge, and uses a socat to run the proxy. The arguments are the container name or ID, the port to proxy to, and an optional port where to publish (if not given, Docker will pick one).


set -eu

if test ! "$#" -ge 2; then
    echo "$0 <container> <target_port> (<local_port>)"
    exit 1


network=$(docker inspect --format '{{range $k,$v:= .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{println $k}}{{end}}' "$container" | head -n1)

if test "$#" -ge 3; then

docker run \
    --rm \
    --publish="$publish" \
    --link="$container:target" \
    $(if test "$network" != "bridge"; then echo "--network=$network"; fi) \
    alpine/socat \
        "tcp-listen:$inner_port,fork,reuseaddr" \

Remove additional Groovy record features

Since Groovy 4 record types are supported like in Java. Out of the box they already come with additional features, that may or may not be useful for your current project. So the easy way to disable all of those features is to just define the record in a .java file or under a source tree, that only the Java compiler sees.

Yet nearly all differences to record .class generated with the Java compiler can be configured. To generate the same result with the Groovy compiler (or nearly the same: there are some annotations), use the following annotations for the record (or make them more easily available via a groovy.transform.AnnotationCollector).

@TupleConstructor(           // disable map and default-value c'tor
        defaults = false,    // do not generate c'tor versions, that default to null values
        namedVariant = false // do not generate a c'tor with faux named arguments (AKA map c'tor)
@RecordOptions(              // do not generate additional methods for access to the fields
        toList = false,      // list of fields values
        toMap = false,       // map from field name to value
        size = false,        // amount of defined fields
        getAt = false        // access attributes in definition order by index