While most of the time using groovysh
as a REPL or groovyc
quickly compile a few files, I never realised that groovy
comes with
several features mimicking features from classic CLI tools like Perl.
The scripts to run on the input can either be passed as -e <s>
is an argument with the actual Groovy code - or just pass a file
name to load as script.
Filter lines like Perl
It's easy to write single line filters. The same works with groovy -ne
. The script gets line
(the full line) and count
current line number starting at 1). E.g.:
# head -n3 /etc/passwd | groovy -ne 'println "${count}. ${line}"'
1. root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
2. daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/usr/sbin/nologin
3. bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/usr/sbin/nologin
There is also an option -a <s>
to split the lines. If <s>
is not
given, a space is used. The array will be available as split
in the
script. E.g.:
# head -n3 /etc/passwd | groovy -n -a : -e 'println "${split[4]} uses ${split[6]}"'
root uses /bin/bash
daemon uses /usr/sbin/nologin
bin uses /usr/sbin/nologin
Begin and end AWK like
If the script to run contains a method begin
and/or end
, then those
will be called at the beginning or end of processing. E.g.:
// stuff.groovy
def begin() {
println "Start"
def end() {
println "End"
println line
# head -n1 /etc/passwd | groovy -n stuff.groovy
Transforming file content SED like
Given the flag -i <.suffix>
, any arguments passed as files will be
processed by the given script (and a <file.suffix>
backup is stored.
# echo World > 1.txt
# groovy -i .bak -p -e 'println "Hello ${line}"' 1.txt
# cat 1.txt
Hello World
# cat 1.txt.bak
Process data from sockets
Given the flag -l <port>
, a socket server will be spawned and will run
the given script against the data send from clients. E.g. start the
# groovy -l 5000 -e 'println "Hello, ${line}"'
groovy is listening on port 5000
And then send data to it:
# echo "World" | nc -w 1 localhost 5000
Hello, World