Various projects, that currently not justify their own page
Spring Boot Groovy Vaadin Starter
Ready to rock starter/sample project to get going a Vaadin app using Groovy.
This uses by default:
Groovy for quick results
Gradle for building
Vaadin for the web GUI
Spring Boot (for
capabilities)Vaadin4Spring (to make Spring and Vaadin play together)
Gradle Vaadin Plugin (for style and widget set compilation)
Spock for tests
CodeNarc to ensure code quality
Checking the starter out into directory app
and get rid of the origin.
Vaadin Flow 14+ / Springboot / Gradle Starter
Starter for Groovy/Springboot/Vaadin Flow 14+ projects using the official Gradle plugin.
Vaadin Flow cheat sheets and flow diagrams
I forked Antizer to support newer versions of Ant Design, support more components, and add support for "Daiquiri", the new "Sablono"-Replacement since Rum 0.12.
Gradle Filewatch
Watches directories in the gradle build and executes tasks on file changes. It uses RxGroovy to throttle file change bursts and sequentialize the builds.
Add the plugin to the buildscript
Apply the plugin:
Example to watch things: ``compileGroovy``, if there are changes in ``src/main/groovy``
Lazybones templates
My templates for Lazybones for quick bootstrap of projects.
Mini-CMS to create static pages by an XML structure, ReStructured Text and ZPT.
Its sole purpose is to make creation of a simple page with focus in content easier... well like a CMS. But it focuses on developers and not on the end user.
This site used to be generated with it, until I switched over to Nikola because of the larger blog focus.
Gentoo overlay
My own Gentoo overlay for libs/apps, that are not included or easily available from Gentoo.